Flowing ionizer “Silva” for water processing
In swimming pools
Mira LCC( Russia) presents:
There is no any secret that water in great deal of modern swimming pools (both private and public) is processed by special chlorine-containing chemicals, in order to avoid growing of bacteria colonies which lead to water flowering. And at the same time medical specialists all over the world are warring about impact of active chlorine and chlorine-containing components (natrium hypocloride in particular) to human internals and coverlet. Chlorine is, both strong oxidant and carcinogen, leads to rejuvenescence of cancerous cells and as a result to cancer.
Taking into consideration the facts mentioned above a question arises very natural if there is a possibility of effective water processing in swimming pools without using chlorine? The answer is: yes, if you use, for example, argentic ions. The bacteriological characteristics of this metal are known from antiquity, when our ancestors with the help of silver treated a lot of illnesses including different diseases of human coverlet. Firm “Mira” is a pioneer in wide range using of water ionization with silver in private and public swimming pools. “Mira” offers the flowing ionizers of water “Silva” (which have no analogues in the world) for water processing in swimming pools at schools, kindergartens, health centers and rest homes.
While using flowing ionizers in swimming pools they are built up into already existing regeneration systems so that they do not disturb their working cycle and raise effectiveness of regeneration, since consumption of chemicals, used for water disinfection and pH stabilization either is diminished in dozen times or totally is excluded. All negative factors disappear, first of all, unpleasant chlorine smell which irritates both swimming people and those are near pools.
“Silver” ionizers are in small size, they use minimum of electric power and have highest possible resources of exploitation.
If you have any questions, concerning buying the ionizers, do not hesitate to call us.
Phone: +007 495 506 39 07
Fax: +007 498 300 12 46